About Us
Our mission in to create transformative life experience through travel!

How It Started

RoTrip's inception is a tale spun from the extensive travels of our founder, Hoda. Embarking on solo adventures for nearly two decades, Hoda's wanderlust led her to explore the hidden corners of 140+ countries worldwide! The idea crystallised during her travels when she sensed a void in conventional group trips. Fuelled by her desire to redefine the travel experience, Hoda envisioned a company that went beyond clichés.

In 2018, RoTrip emerged, an embodiment of her passion for adventure and a commitment to crafting journeys that resonate with the soul.Drawing inspiration from her global escapades, we don't just design trips; we curate immersive experiences. Collaborating with locals who know the hidden gems, each RoTrip itinerary is a carefully woven narrative that captures the essence of a destination. RoTrip stands as a testament to the transformative power of travel!
A group of people enjoying a fire at a beach at sunset

Our Mission

At RoTrip, our mission is clear—to empower people to travel more often. We're not just about destinations; we're about transformative experiences.

Each journey with us is an opportunity to explore the world, challenge perspectives, and return home with a changed outlook.

Explore our handpicked destinations.
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Rotrip stands out by design. Unlike conventional group trips, our approach centres around adventure and creating lifelong experiences. From staying in remote Berber communities near the Libyan border to soaking in hot spring baths in Japanese villages, we prioritise raw, immersive encounters over luxury. Join us and embrace a style of travel that goes beyond the ordinary.
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A group of travelers making plans in front of classic red cars


RoTrip is a thriving community. Founded on shared values and a love for exploration, our community has grown to over 200 individuals from all across the world.

All our passengers live in different countries, making our community a global village. The bonds formed during our adventures extend far beyond borders, with over 90% of our community members maintaining lasting friendships.

Join RoTrip, and become part of a global family that celebrates the joy of travel and the enduring connections it creates.
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